Lets talk about unmentionables!
One of the reasons our ensembles work so well is that we make everything from the skin out. Silhouette is important, and so is comfort. A correctly fitting corset or stays, a linen or cotton shirt or chemise will give you the correct silhouette for your costume to look fantastic, and keep you cool, comfortable and supported throughout a long day spent mostly on your feet. Under petticoats, panniers and cage crinolines all help a dress to drape beautifully. And a corseted bridal gown will do your figure justice on your special day.
From a Medieval Chemise, to a Victorian Corset of 18th Century Stays, we can make the underpinnings to complete your historical costume.
We have researched underpinnings extensively, and can provide the exact solution for any period silhouette, or join you in a flight of fantasy to create the perfect corset to wear as outerwear.
We love the attention to detail required to craft a perfect shirt or shift, petticoats, pantalettes and Victorian drawers of the finest linen and cotton, exquisitely hand finished or trimmed with lace, coming soon to our Etsy Store
Su has worn her fur trimmed silk Burgundian Gown in 30 degree heat, because her shift and kirtle were made of linen, and kept her cool.
We're used to dealing with figure challenges. Voluptous figures, undefined waists, cross gender,and juicy English pear shapes can all be greatly improved by the correct underpinnings.
Funnily enough we don't have that many pictures of people in their unmentionables, (special thanks to our delightful Crinoline Lady, who was good enough to get dressed for us) but more will be coming as soon as it gets warm enough to pose in the garden again! {Feb 2012}